Saturday, September 13, 2014

To eat or not to eat

As a dancer I spend the majority of my day staring at myself in the mirror.
Making sure that my movements look the same as others.
Unfortunately, most of that time I am criticizing the way I look.
Not just the way my body moves, but the way my body is.
Comparing myself to the other bodies I see in the mirrors.

Wow, I wish my body was more like hers.

Eating disorders are serious, but they are not easily defined.
I never force myself to throw up, or intentionally skip meals for days on end.
But I will eat less, or convince myself that whatever I ate made me feel funny.
Space out meals, eat foods with less calories.
Go to more yoga classes, take a few extra bike rides.

Just a couple more days.

An obsession with having a "perfect body."
Does it ever end?

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