Saturday, September 13, 2014

To eat or not to eat

As a dancer I spend the majority of my day staring at myself in the mirror.
Making sure that my movements look the same as others.
Unfortunately, most of that time I am criticizing the way I look.
Not just the way my body moves, but the way my body is.
Comparing myself to the other bodies I see in the mirrors.

Wow, I wish my body was more like hers.

Eating disorders are serious, but they are not easily defined.
I never force myself to throw up, or intentionally skip meals for days on end.
But I will eat less, or convince myself that whatever I ate made me feel funny.
Space out meals, eat foods with less calories.
Go to more yoga classes, take a few extra bike rides.

Just a couple more days.

An obsession with having a "perfect body."
Does it ever end?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thoughts for now

Hi Friends!
It's been a while.
I've been having a hard time these past couple of weeks. . .

The best word I can think of to describe how I feel: Lost.

Suddenly I am not required to spend hours a day at school, but somehow I'm supposed to already be working on my career path towards excellence. How is it possible to have a "career" straight out of college?

"Idle hands are the devil's playthings."
If that's true, then I'm in trouble. I have way too much free time on my hands. How do I fill my days with meaningful activities? I try to read but cannot concentrate for long, distracted by nothingness.

I wish I could go back to school, or rather I wish I could dance all day like we did in school. I wish I was rich enough to travel to L.A. and New York City every couple of weekends for auditions, so that I could get a job dancing.

I feel inadequate at life. No direction.

I am stuck at home when I'm not working. I can sometimes pay for the bus, but not having a car makes it hard to do just about anything. It's the feeling of being stuck that makes it worse. I hate calling around asking for a ride too, I feel like I'm intruding on people's lives.

I also feel very scattered, can you tell?
Short thoughts that keep trailing away, almost incomplete.
What is my purpose?

Monday, March 3, 2014

How do you love?

Sometimes I worry that I don't know how to be in a relationship, and I don't necessarily just mean a romantic relationship. But I sometimes feel like I need to be doing more to maintain any kind of friendship, or that I'm doing it wrong. I worry that because I didn't have a good relationship with my family growing up, that it affects the way that I relate to people now.

 I felt like I was a burden to my mother, which she often validated. Somehow I was responsible for "ruining her life", I was the constant reminder of her relationship with my father. I don't know much about their relationship, in fact you could probably say that I don't know anything about it. I know that they were married at the end of May in the Los Angeles temple. I don't know how they met, how long they dated for, or even why they broke up.

I never really felt like someone was taking care of me. Which translated to me having to take care of myself. Since I have had to be responsible for myself, I have a hard time trusting other people to care for me. I don't trust that someone is actually going to be there when I need them.

I wish that I knew how to communicate what I need/want in a way that makes sense to others. I also wish that I could understand how to help others in a way that makes sense to them.

I have a fear of being close to people. I'm scared that they're just going to leave me. I have had a really hard time learning to love myself and allowing others to love me, because I always felt that if my own mother couldn't love me then why would anyone else...

I've learned to think that that her opinion of me is just that, an opinion. I had been validating that opinion by allowing it to have an affect on my life and thoughts about myself.

I want to be able to feel comfortable with who I am, and I think that as we go along we eventually find someone who makes us happy to be ourselves. I grew up feeling like I wasn't supposed to be here, and so I acted that way. And I find that the less I concern myself with what other people are thinking of me, the more fun I have. The more I feel like I can be me.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dessa's Dance

I started dancing when I was about 4 years old. I had dance classes for a couple years and then switched to musical theater/acting classes for a year, but then things started to get expensive. So I had to quit.

A few years later one of my friends took me with her to a dance class. This teacher had her own dance studio in the basement of her huge house. At that time it seemed like the classes wouldn't cost too much, so I signed up. Once it came around to buying costumes for the recital, I was forced to quit. My mom just refused to take me to class after she saw how much it was.

The next year I went with a different friend who happened to have the same dance teacher. When I came back, I talked with her about why I had suddenly quit the pervious year. She told me that she wished we would have come and talked with her so we could have worked something out.

We made a deal, I would come help her clean her house and I would get dance lessons. One saturday a month, I spent the whole day with her helping her clean out various parts of the house. I had so much fun earning my own dance classes. I learned to appreciate the value of hard work.

Nothing is going to just be handed to us, we've got to go out there and get what we want. Even if it takes us a little bit longer to get there. I'm so happy that I am finally getting my degree. I've been working towards this for a long time. I really hope that I am going to be able to get to perform, and use my degree. Wish me luck :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fifteen to Twenty-three

Hi Friends! Sorry I've been a little absent these past couple of weeks. I started my LAST semester of college! I cannot tell you how excited I am!
I am so happy to finally be done with my degree, and finally be able to start living my life. I have no idea what I am doing after graduation. Which both terrifies and excites me, I have the potential to do whatever wherever I want to.
Who knows whats gonna happen. I'd like to travel though, maybe even move out of the country. We'll see! I'd love to dance but it may take me a little while to get onto a company. I've got some auditions coming up for some summer intensives, I'll be sure to let you cats know how they go.
Funny little story: Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet is one of my most favorite dance companies. This summer they are having a condensed version of their summer intensive (they used to only do an intensive every other summer, so now they do a short version in the other years). For this intensive the age limit is 15 to 23. Guess what day the audition in Utah is? February 27th. The day before my birthday. The day before I turn 24, the day before I would have been too old to audition. I am going to this audition, and I plan on kicking ass. I kind of can't help but feel like this is MY audition.
Well, I've gotta go do some homework now. I'll try to keep writing more often. :)