Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fall Orchesis

Here are some pictures from my show!

This was the Orchesis poster for the concert.

We just love costume fittings! About two weeks before each show, dancers go into the costume shop to try on their costumes so we can make sure everything fits and looks good.

We get notes from professors after each run through of the show. These notes can be about specific movements, qualities of movement and sometimes its just technical notes for the stage crew.

Dressing rooms! 
We arrive at the theatre at 5:30 for a warm up class, which ends at 6:30. Giving us about an hour to get all of our hair and make up done.

During intermission. 
The audience is chatting on the other side of the curtain, but all the dancers are going over movement, making sure they are ready to go!

I love what I do, and I'm grateful for the opportunities I have to perform. :)
Thank you to everyone who came to the show, I hope you enjoyed it.

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