Sometimes it frustrates me how privileged we are. This last weekend there was a huge typhoon in the Philippines. So many people are dead and missing, and here we sit with our fancy gadgets. Complaining that our phone screens are cracked, the internet is slow, our favorite television show was cancelled.
Living in the United States, we live in the lap of luxury. Even if you were at the lowest of the lower class, you can still get food, or find a place to sleep. Most everyone who wanted to could work, and even if you aren't getting paid very much, it's still a job, you still have some kind of income. Being obese used to be a sign of how well off you were, as in you had enough to eat complete meals. Today people are fat, because they're lazy.
I hate feeling like it's a competition to have the newest, coolest gizmos and gadgets. I understand that we are "improving" our lives. But what about the rest of the world? They don't have access to everything that we do, and yet we complain and complain. Families in the Philippines are frantically searching for their lost children, praying that they are alive. Not having enough food, and lost family members? Those are serious problems. Your cracked smart phone, that still works perfectly, is not a problem.
Something that has stuck with me from an Astronomy class, is that I am insignificant. Seriously, in the whole scheme of things, I am just a speck of dust on a rock that is moving around one star. There are BILLIONS of stars out there, millions and millions of miles of space that is constantly growing. So why does it matter if I have all of the nifty whats-its, when in a few decades it'll all be gone. Not even that, it'll be outdated two years from now.
I'm not saying we should not have stuff. Stuff is nice to have, but do we really need ALL of the things? Do you really need a desktop computer, a laptop, an ipad, and an iphone? Don't all of those do generally the same type of things? Plus your PlayStation/XBOX/Wii, and e-readers. Do you really NEED to get a new one every single year?
I just feel like there are better things for us to do with our time and money, especially since we can survive perfectly fine without all the fancy shit.
We are small, but we are important too!