I have no sympathy for overly fat people. I understand that everyone is made differently and so it is completely unrealistic for everyone to be the same size. But it really bothers me when people complain about being overweight. I feel like if you really have a problem with the way that you look, or your size, then do something about it. Change your diet, exercise more.
I hate it so much when people tell me that I don't understand because I'm "just skinny". Excuse you, I worked hard to make my body like this. I made a serious diet change, and a conscious decision to exercise daily. I'm willing to bet that if everyone payed attention to what they ate, and how it made you feel. You would change your diet. Your body should feel good. Aches and pains happen because your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to it! Since I started paying more attention to my body, and giving it what it needs, I've noticed a change. I have more energy during the day, and I can wake up feeling rested. I'm sore less than I used to be. Overall, my body feels much better.
Our bodies are incredible, and are capable of so much. We should treat them with respect by giving it things that help and repair, not hurt it. Do you know what aspartame does to your body? That shit they put in food instead of sugar, it turns to formaldehyde when it reacts with your body's chemicals. Formaldehyde! Thats what they pump into dead bodies to preserve them. I want to live for a long time, but not because my body was pumped full of preservatives.
And now, you sound like Devin! :)